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NYLE Practice Questions

Use our free NYLE Practice Questions to help you prepare for the New York Law Exam. The questions on this page were prepared to help you comprehend the outline that BOLE created. However, the New York Law Exam tests in a variety of ways, including hypotheticals. To view hypothetical questions on New York law, or to view full practice question sets check out our NYLE practice tests and products!

Administrative Law

FREE NYLE Practice Questions: Administrative Law

These New York Law Exam (NYLE) practice questions are based on the revised October 2024 course materials and are provided here free from commercial use.

1 / 47

Motions to quash or enforce administrative subpoenas:

2 / 47

Which of the following is a permitted topic for an executive session?

3 / 47

A party to an administrative proceeding must be afforded due process protections of:

4 / 47

Discovery in an administrative proceeding is:

5 / 47

Unless otherwise authorized by law, the statute of limitations for a proceeding against a body or officer is __________ after the determination to review becomes final and binding upon the petitioner.

6 / 47

The due process required in an administrative proceeding for a charge of misconduct need be:

7 / 47

Under the separation of powers doctrine, the legislature:

8 / 47

If a court’s review of an agency is dependent only on accurate apprehension of legislative intent, the agency’s interpretive regulations are to be given:

9 / 47

Agencies may conduct administrative investigations, including issuing subpoenas:

10 / 47

Except as otherwise provided by statute, the burden of proof is on the party who:

11 / 47

Administrative remedies must be exhausted before proceeding to courts, unless:

12 / 47

If an agency’s regulation runs counter to the clear wording of a statutory provision, it should be given:

13 / 47

If a statute specifically grants an agency subpoena power:

14 / 47

New York administrative agencies ______ entitled to deference in matters of statutory interpretation of legislation governing the agency and in issuing decisions within the agencies’ __________.

15 / 47

A public hearing:

16 / 47

Persons at an administrative hearing:

17 / 47

An agency’s discretionary acts and policy decisions may be set aside only if:

18 / 47

Article ____ of the CPLR provides the judicial proceeding and procedure used to challenge agency determinations.

19 / 47

The two-step test for evaluating standing claims is that:

20 / 47

Whether an administrative agency determination is supported by _______ evidence is a question of _______.

21 / 47

The legislative expression authorizing a particular administrative act:

22 / 47

An administrative determination that is interlocutory in nature:

23 / 47

_______ of the elements of due process required for a(n) ________ proceeding are required for an administrative adjudicatory proceeding:

24 / 47

The legislature may endow administrative agencies with the power to fill in gaps with the legislative product by prescribing rules and regulations

25 / 47

The standard of review for a reviewing court on an agency is:

26 / 47

Actions for declaratory judgment under the CPLR may be used to challenge agency actions that ________ reviewable under Article _____, including challenges to agency rulemaking.

27 / 47

The formal rules of evidence contained in the CPLR ________ apply to administrative hearings, and/but rules of privilege ________, and/but a party _______ the right to cross-examination.

28 / 47

In order to justify a subpoena issued in furtherance of an investigation, the agency must make a preliminary showing that the information sought in the subpoena is ___________ related to a proper subject of inquiry and that there is some _________ for inquisitorial action:

29 / 47

Once the court determines a rational basis exists for an agency’s determination, its review:

30 / 47

Which of the following is NOT required in the notice of adoption:

31 / 47

Minutes at meetings:

32 / 47

Judicial review of administrative actions pursuant to Article ____ are/is limited to questions of ________.

33 / 47

_______ is a published compilation of the rules and regulations of all state agencies.

34 / 47

Agency adjudicatory proceedings must comprise all, except:

35 / 47

The doctrines of res judicata and collateral estoppel:

36 / 47

When an agency action is challenged as unconstitutional and the claim hinges on factual issues:

37 / 47

An action is _________ if it is taken without sound basis in reason or regard to the facts:

38 / 47

Prior to the adoption of a rule, an agency must:

39 / 47

Except for emergency rules and certain other specified rules, a rule becomes effective:

40 / 47

Findings of facts after a formal adjudicatory hearing where evidence is taken must be supported by:

41 / 47

An executive session may be called only by a motion on _________ vote of the public body in public session and the motion _________ identify the general topics to be discussed in the executive session.

42 / 47

Administrative disciplinary penalties may be set aside only if such punishment is an ___________, so that the penalty is so disproportionate to the offense as to shock one’s sense of fairness.

43 / 47

Every agency, defined __________, _______ make available for public inspection and copying all records, except those that fall under an exception. Access to records _______ depend on the purpose for which the records are sought.

44 / 47

Substantial evidence means:

45 / 47

In an adjudicatory proceeding under SAPA:

46 / 47

An adjudicatory proceeding is defined as:

47 / 47

In reviewing agency determinations involving findings of fact made without a formal adjudicatory hearing, the court must determine whether there is a ___________ basis for the determination or if it was arbitrary and capricious.

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The average score is 31%


Civil Procedure

FREE NYLE Practice Questions: Civil Procedure

These New York Law Exam (NYLE) practice questions are based on the revised October 2024 course materials and are provided here free from commercial use.

1 / 26

Any person domiciled in New York or subject to personal jurisdiction under the long-arm statute may be served outside New York:

2 / 26

A domestic or foreign corporation may be personally served by delivering process to all of the following, EXCEPT to:

3 / 26

A domestic or foreign corporation may be personally served by delivering process to all of the following, EXCEPT to:

4 / 26

If a particular method of service on an individual or a partner requires filing of proof of service, the filing must be done within _________ of the last previous act to effect the service (affixing or mailing). Service is complete _________ after the filing and the defendant’s time to respond begins to run when service is complete.

5 / 26

A partnership may be served by serving the managing or general agent of the partnership, _______________, and thereafter filing proof of service.

6 / 26

Personal service upon a partnership is made pursuant to CPLR 310 by personally serving the process on any one of the partners, utilizing ___________ authorized for service on a(n) __________ under CPLR 308.

7 / 26

In matrimonial actions, service must be made under:

8 / 26

Service under affix-and-mail is:

9 / 26

When mailing is made to a defendant’s __________, it must be by first class mail, the envelope must be labeled ____________, and it _________ indicate that it is from an attorney.

10 / 26

The mailing required by delivery-and-mail or affix-and-mail must occur within _________ of the delivery or affixing, and a later mailing __________ cure the defect in service.

11 / 26

_______________ requires putting the process on the door of the actual place of business, dwelling place or usual place of abode of the defendant, mailing the process to the defendant at his or her last known residence or actual place of business, and thereafter filing proof of service.

12 / 26

______________ requires conveying the process to a person of suitable age and discretion at the actual place of business, dwelling place or usual place of abode of the defendant, mailing the process to the defendant at his or her last known residence or actual place of business, and thereafter filing proof of service.

13 / 26

Which of the following is NOT a proper method of service?

14 / 26

In town and village justice courts, an action may only be commenced and jurisdiction acquired by service of a _____________, and a special proceeding is commenced and jurisdiction acquired by service of either a(n) ____________ or ______________.

15 / 26

A special proceeding is commenced by:

16 / 26

Which of the following may be omitted from the summons?

17 / 26

Except in town and village justice courts, actions are commenced by:

18 / 26

Long-arm jurisdiction _______ comport with the federal constitutional due process requirements that _________________.

19 / 26

A court may NOT exercise personal jurisdiction over a non-domiciliary who in person or through an agent:

20 / 26

If a corporation is not “at home,” i.e. not ____________, courts will only exercise general personal jurisdiction when the foreign corporation’s operations are ___________.

21 / 26

General personal jurisdiction ________ be asserted against a foreign corporation based solely on the corporation’s continuous and systematic business activity in New York.

22 / 26

_________ jurisdiction permits a court to hear all claims against an entity, whereas specific jurisdiction permits a court to hear only those claims that arise out of the entity's contacts within the state.

23 / 26

________ is deemed as an agent upon whom process may be served in a separate action against a nondomiciliary who commenced a prior action in New York.

24 / 26

A nondomiciliary who commences an action in New York, and who is not subject to personal jurisdiction in New York _____________subject to personal jurisdiction in a separate action brought against him or her by a party to the pending action.

25 / 26

Which one of the following is NOT a recognized basis for personal jurisdiction:

26 / 26

Jurisdiction over persons, property and status is divided into three categories, respectively:

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FREE NYLE Practice Questions: Evidence

These New York Law Exam (NYLE) practice questions are based on the revised October 2024 course materials and are provided here free from commercial use.

1 / 16

A witness spouse is excluded from giving testimony about matters potentially damaging to the party’s spouse

2 / 16

Details about how an injury occurred that are not helpful for medical diagnosis or treatment are generally still considered to have been recorded in the regular course of a hospital’s business.

3 / 16

Evidence of a defendant’s uncharged crimes but similar acts is admissible to establish all of the following, EXCEPT:

4 / 16

In a __________ case, evidence of ________ character may be admitted only after a person's said character has been directly called into question by evidence of _________ character

5 / 16

Evidence of habit of a person or routine practice of an organization may NOT be admitted in a civil action to establish that a person or organization acted in conformity with that habit on a particular occasion.

6 / 16

Any statement in a business record may be admitted to prove the truth of its contents, provided it is made in the regular course of business, within a reasonable time of the act, where it was the regular course of such business to make that record, and the person who made the record had actual knowledge of the act.

7 / 16

The prior trial testimony of a witness _______ be used by _______ to contradict or impeach that witness if the witness testifies in a subsequent civil action involving the same parties and subject matter.

8 / 16

Time lag is permitted when asserting the present sense impression exception to hearsay.

9 / 16

A witness may choose to avoid testifying to self-incriminating facts by objecting to specific questions that the witness believes would require incriminating answers or may wholly refuse to testify on the ground that the testimony might expose the witness to civil liability.

10 / 16

A witness’ credibility may be impeached on cross-examination by asking about the witness’ prior specific criminal conduct if the following conditions are met, EXCEPT if:

11 / 16

The attorney-client privilege applies to all communications between an attorney and client, except to communications made in the presence of third parties.

12 / 16

There is a rebuttable presumption that a child under ________ cannot give testimony under oath.

13 / 16

Testimony a witness gave at a previous trial involving the same parties and arising the same subject matter is excepted from hearsay if all of the following are met, EXCEPT:

14 / 16

In a civil proceeding, if a witness denies being previously convicted of a misdemeanor on cross-examination, can the conviction still be used to impeach the witness?

15 / 16

Whenever evidence of a person’s character is admissible, proof thereof may be by the:

16 / 16

The marital communications privilege _______ attach to communications made by spouses in the known presence of third-parties in __________ proceedings.

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Real Property

FREE NYLE Practice Questions: Property

These New York Law Exam (NYLE) practice questions are based on the revised October 2024 course materials and are provided here free from commercial use.

1 / 13

A mortgagor has a right to redeem after a foreclosure sale takes place.

2 / 13

A lease for a period of six months:

3 / 13

A landlord must keep a record of cash receipts for _____ year (s).

4 / 13

A landlord cannot refuse to rent to a potential tenant because the potential tenant was involved in a summary proceeding to recover possession of leased premises.

5 / 13

A landlord may never refuse to rent to a potential tenant because the potential tenant has a child.

6 / 13

In a race jurisdiction, an unrecorded conveyance is invalid against a subsequent good faith purchaser for value who first records.

7 / 13

The seller bears the risk of loss if possession of the property has been transferred to the buyer, but legal title has not yet been transferred.

8 / 13

If a landlord and tenant enter into a residential lease to lease a unit in a dwelling with ______ residential unit(s), the landlord ______ unreasonably withhold consent that would permit a tenant to sublease.

9 / 13

If a tenant has a six-month lease, a landlord who wants to increase the rent ____ or more must give at least ___ days’ notice.

10 / 13

A landlord must deposit a tenant’s security deposit into an interest-bearing account if the tenant is in a building with seven family dwelling units.

11 / 13

Security deposits in residential leases cannot exceed ________ rent.

12 / 13

A warranty of habitability must be explicitly stated in a lease for residential property to be enforceable.

13 / 13

There is a(n) __________ presumption that a landlord is acting in retaliation if the landlord attempts to evict a tenant within __________ year(s) after the tenant makes a complaint for retaliation.

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Want More NYLE Practice Questions?

Our NYLE preparation packages offer a variety of options to suit your study needs. Each package includes access to full practice tests with unlimited retakes, along with additional practice questions to enhance your preparation.

Single Practice Test Bundles:
NYLE Bundle I, II, and III each offer comprehensive preparation by providing access to a full practice test consisting of 50 questions. Whether you choose Practice Test 1, 2, or 3, you will benefit from a robust testing experience that simulates the actual exam, helping you build confidence and identify areas for improvement.

Bundle Package:
This package includes two full practice tests (Practice Tests 1 & 2) with 50 questions each, totaling 100 questions. You can retake these tests as many times as you need, and it comes with a 10% discount.

Elite Package:
The most comprehensive package, it includes access to all three practice tests (totaling 150 questions), 140 hypothetical real property questions, 100 true or false contracts review questions, and civil procedure review materials, all at a 42% discount. This package also comes with a money-back guarantee if certain criteria are met.

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For more resources on the exam, visit BOLE’s website to find free course materials, 20 sample practice questions, and more.