How to Electronically File Court Documents in Connecticut
Summary: To electronically file court documents in Connecticut, you will need to sign up for an e-services account, verify your account, and log in to your account to upload and file documents.
E-filing legal documents is an efficient and convenient way to handle your legal matters in Connecticut without the need for an attorney. With the state’s E-Services portal, you can easily file court documents from the comfort of your own home or office. This article will guide you through the process of signing up for an E-Services account and filing your legal documents online.
Signing up for E-Services by creating an account
The first step to electronically filing court documents in Connecticut without an attorney is to sign up for an E-Services account. Follow these simple steps to create your account:
1. Visit the Connecticut Judicial Branch E-Services portal at
2. Click on “New User” found in the bottom-left corner of the webpage.

3. Click on “Enroll” under Self-Represented Parties

4. You will be directed to a registration form where you need to provide your personal information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address. It’s important to provide accurate information, as it will be used to verify your identity and communicate with the court.
5. Create a username and a strong, unique password. Be sure to keep this information secure, as you will need it to access your account and e-file documents.
6. Select and answer a security question. This question will be used to verify your identity if you ever need to recover your account.
7. Click “Submit Request for New Account” to complete your registration. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to verify your email address. Click on the link and follow the instructions to activate your account.
Filing the documents on E-Services
Once you have successfully created your E-Services account, you can proceed with e-filing your legal documents. Here’s how:
1. Log in to your E-Services account using your username and password by visiting the Connecticut Judicial Branch E-Services portal at
2. Navigate to the “Superior Court E-Filing” section on the left and click on the link.

3. Choose whether you want to e-file on a new case (usually when you’re the plaintiff) or e-file on an existing case (usually when you’re the defendant).
4. Choose the case type that best matches the nature of your legal matter (e.g., civil, family, small claims, etc.).
5. Complete the required fields in the electronic form, including the case title, parties involved, and contact information.
6. Upload your legal documents in the appropriate format (usually PDF). Be sure to review the specific e-filing requirements for your case type, as some documents may need to be notarized or include additional supporting materials.
7. Review your submission for accuracy and completeness.
8. Pay the required filing fees, if applicable, using a credit card or e-check. These fees may vary based on the case type and court.
9. Submit the filing
10. Check the option to receive e-mail updates on the case
In conclusion, e-filing legal documents in Connecticut without an attorney is a simple and convenient process through the state’s E-Services portal. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create an account and file your legal documents from the comfort of your own home or office. E-filing not only saves time but also allows for more efficient processing of legal matters. By utilizing this technology, Connecticut residents can take advantage of the convenience and accessibility that e-filing offers.