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Family Dockets (CT)

Case Type: F40 – Family – Custody Application – C.G.S. 46b-61

Sample Docket No. 1

Entry No.DateFiled byDescriptionWhat is this?
100.2001/01/2012Claim for Trial ListIn civil cases, a party files a certificate of closed pleadings and “claims” or assigns the case to a specific trial list.
101.0001/01/2012PCustody ApplicationThis form (JD-FM-161) is used to apply for custody.
102.0001/01/2012COrder Hearing and Notice
103.0001/01/2012PMotion for Order Pendente Lite This form (JD-FM-176) is used to ask the court to make decisions regarding matters such as child custody, support, visitation, alimony, use of the home, etc., before the ultimate judgment has been made.
104.0001/01/2012PAffidavit Concerning ChildrenThis form (JD-FM-164) is used to give the court information about a party’s children.
105.0002/10/2012DFinancial AffidavitThis form is used to tell the court your earnings in order to make decisions on child support, alimony, legal fees, etc. There are two types: long (JD-FM-6-Long) for when assets or income is <$75k and short (JD-FM-6-Short) for when it is >$75k.
106.0002/10/2012PFinancial AffidavitThis form is used to tell the court your earnings in order to make decisions on child support, alimony, legal fees, etc. There are two types: long (JD-FM-6-Long) for when assets or income is <$75k and short (JD-FM-6-Short) for when it is >$75k.
Result: Accepted 02/10/2012 by Judge
This form (JD-FM-231) is used to tell the court about an agreement the parties reached.
109.0002/10/2012CJudgment by Stipulation After Trial Commenced
110.0002/05/2013DMotion for Contempt Post-Judgment
Result: Order 03/10/2013 by Judge
This form (JD-FM-173) is used to tell the court that a party is not following a previously issued court order and ask the court to tell the party to oblige.
111.0002/05/2013DMotion to Modify – General Post-Judgment
Result: Granted 03/10/2013 by Judge
This form (JD-FM-174) is used to ask the court to change the arrangement of child support, alimony, custody, visitation, etc.
112.0002/05/2013DMotion for Waiver
Result: Granted 02/06/2013 by Judge
This form (JD-FM-75) is used to ask the court to waive filing fees if a party cannot afford them.
Result: Accepted 03/05/2013 by Judge
This form (JD-FM-231) is used to tell the court about an agreement the parties reached.
114.0003/05/2014DMotion to Waive Entry Fee and Pay Costs of Service
Result: Granted 03/06/2014 by Judge
This form (JD-FM-75) is used to ask the court to waive filing fees if a party cannot afford them.
115.0003/05/2014DMotion to Modify – General Post-JudgmentThis form (JD-FM-174) is used to ask the court to change the arrangement of child support, alimony, custody, visitation, etc.
116.0003/05/2014DContempt Citation Issued Post Judgment
Order 04/15/2014 by Judge
This means that documents were served on the party who is allegedly in contempt informing the party that there is a hearing on the contempt motion.
117.0003/19/2014DReturn of Service
118.0004/08/2014DFinancial Affidavit JD-FM-6-ShortThis form (JD-FM-6-Short) is used to tell the court your earnings in order to make decisions on child support, alimony, legal fees, etc. when assets or income is >$75k.
119.0004/08/2014PFinancial Affidavit JD-FM-6-ShortThis form (JD-FM-6-Short) is used to tell the court your earnings in order to make decisions on child support, alimony, legal fees, etc. when assets or income is >$75k.
120.0004/08/2014FWorksheet for the Connecticut Child Support and Arrearage Guidelines CCSG-1This form (CCSG-1) is used to calculate child support.
Result: Accepted 4/08/2014
This form (JD-FM-231) is used to tell the court about an agreement the parties reached.
Sample Docket No. 1: Custody Application